Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Evolution of the Human

After watching my human sister, I found the answer to a question that I had been thinking about for a long time: Why do humans only have two legs? It just seems so inefficient to have two scrawny little arms hanging around doing nothing. It is a lot faster to be able to walk, and run, on four legs rather than just two. Well, here's the answer. The extra legs became arms so that little humans can be better dancers! Amazing, but true. Without her arms, my human sister's dancing would just be lurching. But when you add in the fantastic arm movements, her dancing is a thing of beauty. You have to see it to believe it. Maybe when Alpha Male gets home from Boulder he can help me figure out how to put a video clip of her moves up here.

There's something else I should mention. Alpha Female sat me down yesterday and said that it was time for us to have a little talk. I don't want to gross you out with all the details, but it turns out that the bulge in her belly cannot be a puppy. I didn't understand how it worked (and I really didn't want to know), but now I understand that it has to be either worms or a human baby. After getting the details, I am hoping for worms. Don't feel badly if you voted for a puppy, but do ask a responsible adult to explain it to you.

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