Saturday, February 9, 2008

Escape Route

Thing 1 seems to have hit another growth spurt in her communication abilities. In fact, she said her first sentence a couple of days ago! She said, "Bye baby." It may not be very complicated, but it is a sentence. She has also started using a lot more words on a pretty regular basis. "Ball" seems to be a favorite and she says, "apple" a lot. I'm thinking about writing a "Thing 1 to English" translation dictionary because when she says "apple," she isn't referring just to the delicious fruit, she is actually saying, "Please give me something to eat now!" It doesn't really matter if she gets crackers, cheese, or fruit. Although fruit is her favorite.

Thing 1 has also found my secret passageway. The Alphas installed this secret passageway for me as soon as we moved into this house. The passageway allows me to come and go from the house as I please, without having to ask one of the Alphas to open a door from me. It's pretty cool! I use it a lot when I get really excited and Alpha Male chases me around the house. When this happens, I need to exit through the passageway so I can escape and rest for a little bit before I come back inside. I have always enjoyed having this private access to my backyard. Unfortunately, Thing 1 just discovered my secret escape route. The problem is that she enjoys using the secret passageway just as much as I do. The Alphas haven't told me what they're going to do about this yet, but I'm afraid that I am going to lose my easy access to the great outdoors just because Thing 1 is abusing the privilege and sneaking through the door without telling the Alphas where she is going.

And just so that Thing 2 doesn't get jealous and complaint that Thing 1 is getting all of my attention, I would like to report that Thing 2 had another weigh in and she is gaining about 1 ounce a day and growing very long. She's even outgrown some of her clothes already. It's hard to believe that people make clothes that are smaller than my tiny Thing 2.

The Alphas still haven't trained Thing 2 to do any tricks. I'll be sure to share just as soon as she starts doing something. Maybe I'll try to teach her to roll over just like I do.

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