Saturday, February 9, 2008

Design Modification

I was trying to tell myself that I hadn't posted for a while because nothing new has been happening in our house recently, but that's not true. With the two Things, there will always be something new happening. The problem is that most of the new stuff involves gross stuff or boring stuff. I don't want to drone on and on about how Thing 1 likes to play with my poo or about how Thing 2 hardly ever poo's. Likewise, I don't want to write a detailed account of how much, or little, Thing 2 is sleeping. Unfortunately, these are the kinds of things that have been filling my thoughts for the past week. I think I need to get a hobby.

Wait a minute, I do have a hobby. I like to blog! And I have changed the layout of my blog a little bit this past week. Most notably, I added a slide show of pictures of my family. It is on the top right hand side of my blog page. You can just watch the slide show and enjoy the pictures as they are displayed or you can click on the slide show and go to a website maintained by Alpha Male that contains more albums and pictures of my family.

I'd also like to add that above my handsome picture is a link to send me email. I'm just mentioning that this is there because I've never gotten any email from anybody ever...not ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

meow gauss id like 2 write u but yr link wont work on mom's machine is this ok splinky >^..^<