Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The Alphas went to check in on Precious Fluffy today and found out that she has done a somersault in the past week and is now head down! Alpha Female thinks it happened Saturday night because she remembers being woken up by stretching sensations in her belly and Sunday morning she was no longer able to feel Precious Fluffy's head in her ribs. Now she feels Precious Fluffy's feet in her ribs. The Alphas seem pretty happy with the news that Precious Fluffy is now head down. However, they have mixed feelings about her size. She appears to be slightly larger than average. They are hoping that this means she'll decide to be born a week or two early not that she'll be huge when she's born. I'm not sure they would know what to do with a baby who weighed more than seven pounds. They are used to the six pound variety. I say the bigger the better, because her stomach will be bigger so she'll be able to spit up more milk for me to lick off of her.

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