Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Too Good to be True

Let me just say that my favorite part about having a new baby is not the sleepless nights. I am a dog that needs my sleep. An uninterrupted 9 hours at night followed by at least one solid 4 hour nap and a couple of shorter naps is what I really prefer. When the Alphas bring a new baby home, it really interferes with my 9 hours of quality sleep. I start to feel the same way that Alpha Female starts to look. It's not pretty. At least I don't start to smell the way that Alpha Female smells. I'm not sure if the smell comes from the baby spit up plastered on her or from her giving up daily showers.

But I digress, I was talking about sleep, or the lack thereof. Surprisingly, with this new baby my sleep has not been impacted as severely as with the others. I am happy to report that last night and the night before, he only woke up once during the night! I hope I'm not jinxing it by mentioning it, I'm sure Alpha Female will make me start living outside if I mess this up for her. I think I know why he sleeps so well, though. I took this picture of him so that I can share his secret with other families out there. Alpha Female lets him read himself to sleep using her Kindle. He was reading Hemingway this night before he fell asleep.


Anonymous said...

meow gauss mom says please let her know when he gets to faulkner

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't Dr Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham. That always put his Granddad to sleep