Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Considerate!

Alpha Female celebrated a birthday a few days ago. Thing 1 was so excited about it that she woke up just after midnight to come into Alpha Female's bedroom and wake her up to wish her happy birthday. I thought it was very thoughtful of Thing 1 but Alpha Female didn't seem to appreciate the nocturnal well wishing. In fact, she didn't even acknowledge Thing 1's presence; she just let Alpha Male take Thing 1 back to her bedroom. How ungrateful and rude!

And the excitement didn't stop on Alpha Female's birthday. The morning after Alpha Female's birthday, Alpha Female woke up around 5:00 a.m. and noticed there were a lot of lights on in the kitchen. She peeked her head out to see Thing 1 carrying a birthday cupcake over to the kitchen table with me close at her heels. Alpha Female decided that there was nothing wrong with a cupcake or two for breakfast as long as it meant she could go back to bed. About a half hour later, Alpha Male woke up and saw that all the lights on Thing 1's side of the house were on. Unfortunately, he actually left his room to investigate. He found us (me, Thing 1 and Thing 2) all awake and happy in Thing 2's room. Thing 1 was bringing cupcakes to Thing 2 in her crib and I was enjoying the messy eating habits of the Things. There was pink and blue icing on the floor, on Thing 2's sheets, on my back, EVERYWHERE. It was wonderful. I thought it was my birthday. I still think there is some blue icing on my back, I just wish I was flexible enough to clean it off. So much for the Alphas' bright idea that getting Thing 1 a big girl bed would help her stay in her room all night.

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