Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day

I am a supporter of equal rights for dogs. I think dogs should be able to swim at the same beaches and play in the same parks as humans. However, I know that I have many opponents in my quest for equality for dogs and America isn't yet ready to take this step. Fortunately, there is another movement for equality that I strongly support and I think America is ready to support as well. Equal rights for homosexual couples is an idea that's time has come. Two people who love each other should be able to inherit from one another, provide health insurance to one another, and live together until death parts them, regardless of their gender. There is an Amendment to the Florida Constitution which is on the ballot and would prevent same sex couples from enjoying the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. This kind of discrimination should not be tolerated. People may pass whatever morality judgments they choose, but the government should provide equal protection to all. I urge you to vote no on amendment 2. If I had the right to vote, I would.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gauss, you are one very, very smart dog. We are SO with you on this issue. Loving, caring for, and committing to another human being is never wrong.