Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Un-Birthday, Thing 2

Thing 2 is six months old today. It's hard to believe that she's been around that long and she's still not feeding me cheerios. She's also not sitting up by herself and she doesn't have any teeth. I don't know what she's been doing the last six months. I think I'm going to put her on a training schedule and make sure that she's more productive in the next six months that she has been for the last six months. Starting tomorrow, she's no longer going to just get by on her good looks.

While Thing 2 has been totally slacking and goofing off, at least Thing 1 has been making some big strides. Today Alpha Female showed up to bring Thing 1 home from school. Thing 1 put her toy away, and as if that wasn't exciting enough news, she walked over to Alpha Female and said, "I'm ready!" This may not be a big deal for most two year olds, but I don't think Thing 1 has ever put two words together before. I can't wait until she says, "Eat this, Gauss."

Later this evening, the Alphas were giving the Things baths and started talking about Thing 2's un-birthday. Thing 1 then started to sing "Happy Birthday." I'm not kidding, I heard her with my own ears (even though I was staying far away from the tub so that I wouldn't be accidentally splashed). She kind of muttered something unintelligibly, but I could tell she was singing. Then I heard her say, "to you" after more unintelligible babbling, I heard her say, "to you" again. It was easy to hear her singing because the Alphas were both shocked into silence. Even Thing 2 stopped her random jabbering in order to listen to her sister sing to her. I can't wait to hear her sing to me on my birthday in just a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Gauss don't you think that you should have a picture of Thing 2 in the post about her unbirthday? Just a thought, it is your blog after all.

"Happy unBirthday to you!"
"Happy unBirthday to you!"
"Happy unBirthday to you!"
"Happy unBirthday to you!"

FamilyReporter said...

I couldn't agree with you more. If you Alphas took more pictures of the Things, I would have more pictures from which to choose. I would take some myself if only I had opposable thumbs.