The Alphas took Thing 1 to Disney World last weekend. That's right. The didn't take me and they didn't take Thing 2. The only one they brought to the happiest place on earth was Thing 1. The problem was that she didn't think it was the happiest place on earth. She thought it was the scariest place on earth. When Alpha Female went to Disney as a kid she thought there were only two scary rides, Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain; and Thunder Mountain wasn't really that scary. But it turns out she was wrong. Most of the rides are very scary, just ask Thing 1.
They started out on Snow White, Thing 1 had been looking forward to seeing Snow White, but as soon as she saw the evil witch stirring her cauldron she decided she would like to get off the ride NOW! And just in case you're wondering, the whole ride is scary. The brightly lit scene with Snow White traipsing through the woods while the dwarfs whistle and the birds sing never happens. After traumatizing her with Snow White, the Alphas thought that Small World would surely go over better. But they learned that when you're two and you've been one one scary ride, all rides seem scary. Even happy Small World. She was really glad to get off of that one. After the Tiki gods scared her in the Tiki room and Pooh's LSD dream freaked her out on the Pooh ride, the Alphas finally wised up and took her to the Country Bear Jamboree. At least she thought the Bears were funny. And she didn't think that getting chased by wild hippos was scary either. I think it's weird that she thought children dancing and singing were scarier than giant bears and wild hippos.

please tell the alphas that mom says when thing 1 gets older and wants to go on the teacups its VERY SCARY to go on twice once is very fun but look out if they let you ride again right away she says trust her on this she has two things of her own and the whole family was green faced
According to our alpha female, Snow White is about the scariest ride there! She says she hated that ride as a kid. But she isn't the bravest either.
Oh yeah, bones! See ya!
Framp & Finny
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