We all hear a lot about child abuse and we are starting to hear more about elder abuse. I feel like it is unnecessary for me to add more to the conversation about how terrible these things are. What I would like to do instead is spend some time focusing on areas of abuse that are less discussed, for instance parental abuse. That's right, when children abuse their own parents. This is not a topic that is discussed very often, in fact some people without children may deny that it even exists. But let me assure you that it does. And I suspect that it happens in every home with young children. Time will only tell if it continues as the children age. I feel no shame in admitting that I have witnessed parental abuse in my own home. And I'm not talking about mild parental abuse either. This is more than occasionally kicking Alpha Female in the stomach during a tantrum or biting Alpha Male when overcome with emotion. The parental abuse I've witnessed should be felony parental abuse. More times than I care to mention I've seen one of the Things covered in their own poop and smearing their poop on toys, walls, and sheets then forcing the Alphas to clean it up. I've also seen my own precious Things poop in the bathtub and force the Alphas to clean that up. Come on, how are you supposed to get a dozen pieces of poop that are just barely too big to go down the drain out of the bathtub? And how can you possible disinfect the Things that were in the bathtub when the contamination started? They were supposed to be in there to get clean, not to get covered in E. Coli! And the parental abuse isn't limited to poop torture, there is also the emotional abuse of Things screaming at impossibly high octave ranges for no apparent reason at all. Finally, there is the trusty standby of sleep deprivation. My Things have perfected this abusive technique by employing it only sporadically and at unexpected times, often giving no warning that they will attack on any particular night. Unfortunately, the Alphas seem to be suffering from Stockholm syndrome and will defend and declare their unconditional love for their abusers despite the terribly abusive relationship.
Another overlooked form of abuse that must be stopped is doggy abuse. I have experienced this somewhat in my own home, but lucky I've only been exposed to the misdemeanor levels of doggy abuse. The Things have ridden me, pulled my beard and eyebrows, and occasionally squeezed me a little too hard. But Alpha Female recently forwarded me an email that contained this most disturbing picture of doggy abuse. I feel that posting it here is a public service to protect others of my kind from this same cruel fate.

gauss you are sure smart did you read alpha female's law books when she wasn't looking i tried to read mom's but they were boring not enough pictures
LOL...I love that picture of Thing 2 -- "Talk to the Hand!!!"
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