The Alphas started the month out with a bang by going to Gasparilla and taking the Things with them. Thing 1 got to play in her first street band with her cousin while she enlisted the help of a nice stranger next to her to collect beads and give them to her. (I've got to learn how she does stuff like that. It would be great if I could find somebody to collect cookies and then feed them to me!) Once he gave her the big pink beads, she gave all of the rest of her beads to her cousins and called it a day.
The family capped of that weekend by going to the state
Thing 1 also went in a fun house at the fair. I hear she enjoyed all of it except the part where she walked into a piece of plexiglass in the mirror maze. The morale of this story is always keep your hands in front of your nose when in a funhouse maze.
And what state fair experience would be complete without a visit to the animals? Thing 2 really liked petting the goats. Maybe she'll be a farmer when she grows up.
The humans also enjoyed Valentine's Day this year. The Alphas aren't big celebrators of the holiday (they say they show their love every day, isn't that disgusting?). So instead of getting a baby sitter or eating chocolate with each other, Alpha Female took Thing 1 to a wedding to celebrate Valentine's Day. And it was very special wedding, too. Cinderella got married! I would have thought that she would do it in her castle in Orlando, but instead she decided to get married in a little community center's multipurpose room. Thing 1 dressed up in her Cinderella dress and Cinderella slippers for the occasion and especially enjoyed the makeover and dance lessons she received after the wedding. Alpha Male, Thing 2, and I enjoyed staying home and napping.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 also enjoyed the long awaited opening of the new kids' area at the zoo. They hung out in the water for a long time. I think they will spend a lot of time there this summer. At the zoo, the Alphas learned that Thing 1 can count to four. (She was counting plastic turtles in the water.) She sounds really smart if you ask her to count to four. But don't ask her to count to five, because she'll blow her cover.
Finally, there is big news from Thing 2 this month. She is a walking machine! Along with her new found walking ability has come a new found eating ability. The Alphas have started calling her "Meatball." Not because she looks like a meatball, but because she loves to eat meatballs. She also loves to eat eggs, pizza, bananas, and just about anything else you put in front of her. I have taught her well, you can tell we're related!
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