The time has come for me to give Precious Fluffy a new blog name. I just no longer feel right referring to one sister as my human sister and referring to the other sister by a dog's name. As an homage to one of my favorite authors, I have decided to call the older sister Thing 1 and the newer sister Thing 2. The reason that I don't call them by the names the Alphas gave them is to maintain their anonymity. I mean, what would happen if Alpha Female started interviewing for a job and a potential employer decided to google her and the google search turned up this site because I used my family members' real names? I think the employer would decide not to hire Alpha Female, but to hire me instead because I'm so smart and funny. That would just make Alpha Female angry and lead to less treats for me. That's why I use blog names instead of real names. (For me, it always comes down to food.)
There's been a lot going on in my house since my last post. It's just that I'm so busy and sleepy now that I haven't found the

Thing 2 lost her umbilical stump, which was cause for great celebration around here. The shriveled stump on the belly look is just kind of gross. She also had a weigh in yesterday and had gained an ounce a day over the last 8 days. What a beefcake! I hope that Alpha Female is losing weight just as quickly.
The most exciting thing to have happened around here in the last week is that Thing 1 is starting to show some early signs of being ready for potty training. She is starting to ask to have her diaper changed and showing an interest in sitting on the potty! This is big news for the Alphas. I don't know what has taken her so long. I was completely potty trained in less than two months; she's twenty months old and still hasn't even started the process. Why is it that humans think they are so superior to dogs?
1 comment:
I LOVE reading your posts!!! What a fantastic writer! Maybe those potential bosses should read this blog to see how creative of an employee they could have in their company!
We're so thrilled for you guys and hope that things are going well around your home. Quite a change in the dynamic once both "Things" start to interact!
Hope to see you guys sometime!
Kacy, Jeremy, Ryan and Jack
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