Once again I would like to use my influential position to promote some products and activities that I find are exceptionally well liked by different members of my family. Over the last couple of weeks, I have found three things that I think everybody in the world should be able to enjoy as much as my family does.
First, shopping carts that look like cars. Have you

ever gone to the grocery store and had to ride in just a regular looking shopping cart? It is so much better if you can ride around the store in the cart that looks like a car and has a steering wheel. In fact, Thing 1 thinks it is so much better to be in the car cart that when Alpha Female tried to put her in a regular cart, she screamed, "No!" and generally caused a scene in the grocery store parking lot. Alpha Female had no idea what had gotten into the normally darling Thing 1 until they spotted one of these ultra special grocery carts and Thing 1 was able to point and sign please. Alpha Female finally figured out the request and, after both Things were transferred into the super duper car cart, order was restored and Thing 1 enjoyed her trip to the grocery store. She sure does have strong opinions sometimes.
The second invention nobody should have to live without is the hot pocket. I am not speaking of

the frozen, microwaveable meal called a hot pocket, but rather of a cloth contraption into which you can stuff a baby to keep it warm and swaddled. When Thing 2 is strapped into her hot pocket, she will sleep for hours. The Alphas don't know how people raised children before the invention of modern baby and toddler apparatuses like the hot pocket, battery operated swing, vibrating chair, and carseat.
Finally, one of the greatest commonly accepted human behavior modifications which everybody should adopt is pee'ing in the potty. Thing 1 did this for the first time yesterday! Of course, this came a day after poo'ing in the shower, which isn't such a great skill to learn. While we all still expect that complete potty training won't happen for some time yet, it is exciting to see that it will actually happen one day.
1 comment:
Yeah Gauss, we have experienced the"poo,ing in the shower" thing too. But believe me when I tell you it is better than the "poo'ing in the bath" thing!
Love to the Things!
Aunt Kristy
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