The Alphas had a good weekend and so did I! They went up to a municipal pool that has just opened a new spray park for kids. Unfortunately, the spray park was closed for the day but there was a kid pool that went from 1' to 3' and my human sister loved walking around in it. There were also spray thingies on the side of the pool that were fun to play with and a big fountain in the middle of the pool that was kind of fun to walk underneath. It's weird how much she likes to have water sprayed in her face. I don't like it at all.
Then, on Sunday (this was the best day), the Alphas filled up the redneck whale pool and let the little human splash around in it. The pictures are from this adventure. As you can see, she had enjoyed some chili dog and watermelon before getting in the pool. I don't know how she was able to stand with that diaper on, it weighed about 10 pounds because of all the water it sucked up. But she really loved the chili dog and even shared the watermelon with me. It was wonderful, I even ate the rind. Delicious. Much better than the hard nodules I usually get to eat. After experiencing the watermelon I understand why she likes to eat human food so much. If I had to pick my human sister's top ten foods, I think they would be, in no particular order:
1. chili dogs
2. green beans
3. mandarin oranges
4. watermelon
5. asparagus
6. fish
7. blueberries
8. go-gurt (it's yogurt you suck out of a tube)
9. anything that comes out of a straw
10. dog food (I've never seen her eat it, but I bet she'd like it, maybe I'll give her some tomorrow.)
However, I prefer when she doesn't eat any of these things because that means I'm more likely to get some.
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