Thursday, August 23, 2007

Legal Pontification

It's been a little while since I've shared any real pontifications with you because I've been so distracted by the whole mystery of the bulge and, also, I've been busy helping Alpha Female with her school work. However, I'd like to share with you something that I've been thinking about.

American humans generally have a negative perception of lawyers. I think this is fueled largely by media portrayals of lawyers, not by the activity of real lawyers. The result of this negative perception is that people don't seek out lawyers when they need legal help, because they think lawyers are "bad". A lawyer's role is to help laypeople understand the law. Just as I would not attempt to make my own dog food or build my own dog house, because I don't know how to do those things, why would I think I could give myself the best possible legal advice?

I guess that my point is that lawyers really do serve an important function in American human society, because that society depends on laws and regulations to run smoothly. And lawyers have years of training to help people understand how these rules work. Getting advice from lawyers can help people protect their rights. I, for one, wish that I had consulted a lawyer before agreeing to a certain operation several years ago. Then, maybe, I could have gotten more cookies in exchange for agreeing to give up my fundamental right to have a family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so wise. I was just wondering what you think of the Gators this year. Will you be watching the game today? Who is your favorite player or are you down on all football players since the Vick incident?