Alpha Female has been feeling her bulge squirm for about a week now, but Alpha Male was able to feel it for the first time a couple days ago! This is quite exciting. Before you know it, it'll be kicking me and my human sister when we get near Alpha Female.
Other interesting news worth noting:
My human sister is learning how to eat from a small bowl. Fortunately, she is not picking up this new skill very quickly. The bowl keeps being tilted and I have to earn my keep vacuuming up the Lucky Charms with my tongue. It's a tough job, but somedoggy has to do it.
Also, she is learning quite a few animal sounds and body parts. By the start of college football season she should be able to tell everybody what a Gator says!
Gauss, I hope the bulge isn't a worm. As a matter of fact, I'd like to suggest another category-adult dog. We have a lot in common. I too have had the sheared hair cut. I live in Baltimore, but my parents are always saying they are getting me a one way ticket to Florida. They said that just last night or rather early this morning after I had gotten my Mom up 3 times. That would not be an issue in your family because you'll all be up anyhow. I hardly ever break out-well only 3 times. Do you count yesterday when I dug under the fence to eat the neighbor boys crumbs? I think not. There would only be 1 issue-you have the Alpha thing ALL wrong. We are the ALPHA-get it. Anyhow, I could visit my new nephew and help with crumb patrol at your house. That will be a big job with 2 small Alphas. Think about it. Savannah (no last name to protect the guilty).
I'm not sure what your last name is - but Florida is a really great place and I bet your brother and newphew would really love for you to visit.
Gauss is pretty cool you guys would love hanging out!
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