It's kind of hard to tell how upset Thing 1 is in this picture because Alpha Female took a terrible, unfocused picture and there was no time to redo the picture because of all of the loud screaming. However, the look of sheer terror on Thing 1's face is not really the reason I am showing you this picture. The Alphas asserted that Thing 1 screamed loud enough to be heard from miles away because she didn't like the Easter Bunny. But did they get a look at that thing standing next to the Easter Bunny?! Let's take a good look at him.

Talk about terrifying! What is that thing? I hope that you are not frightened because I showed you this picture. After seeing this, I would have been surprised if I hadn't been able to hear Thing 1 scream all the way from the park.
Fortunately, Thing 1 was able to get over her terrifying experience and gorge herself on the chocolate that was hidden inside the eggs she found. Chocolate always tastes better when you've had to work for it. Wait a minute, who am I kidding? I don't know what chocolate tastes like, but I bet it would be delicious whether or not I had to work for it.
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