It's been so long since I've posted an update that I'm not sure where to start. I haven't been able to post in a while because I'm exhausted by all the kids in this house and spending my spare time sleeping. Of course, as always the Alphas will tell you that they are handling things just fine, but I'll tell you the truth. The house is constantly a wreck, the dirty clothes hampers runeth over, the grass is about two feet high, and instead of doing the dishes the Alphas just bought more sippy cups. If the Alphas would just turn the football games off for a couple of hours maybe they could make this house presentable. But I digress from the big news of the day.
Thing 2 has potty trained herself! After her bath last night she did the potty dance. Alpha Female thought this was kind of weird since the Alphas have made no effort to encourage her use of the potty. Luckily I was able to whip my stenograph out in time to record the following conversation:
Alpha Female: Thing 2, do you need to use the potty?
Thing 2: Yeah.
Alpha Female: Go tell Daddy you need to use the potty. (Way to pass the buck!)
Alpha Male: Thing 2, do you need to use the potty?
Thing 2: Yeah. (There's a lot of repetition in this house.)
Thing 2: (Sitting on potty.) (Lots of grunting and funny faces.)
Alpha Male: (quietly) I think she's going to poop!
Alpha Female: No way! That would be very weird, we haven't even started potty training her.
Thing 1: (closing the bathroom door) She needs her privacy!
Thing 2: (more grunting)
Alpha Male: Hurray! She did it! Thing 2, you went poopy in the potty!
Alpha Female: Hurry, give her some chocolate! (I have know idea why she said that, I figure it was just a random comment.)
Thing 1: Yay!
Thing 2: Yeah.
At this point I packed up the stenograph, but she followed up with refusing to wear a diaper until she went pee pee on the potty and she used the potty again tonight. It wasn't all that long ago that Thing 1 did this and the Alphas are weirdly excited again. I saw Alpha Female bring in big boxes of diapers, diaper wipes, and pull-ups from the store today. Why would they want to give all that up?
1 comment:
two down one to go for the human litterbox congratulations and meow
splinky >^..^<
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