Thing 2 wants to be held constantly now. The Alphas think this is because she is at that age where kids have a little bit more separation anxiety and the baby probably hasn't helped. But I think it's much simpler than that. She sees that the kids now out number the parents so if all three kids want something at the same time, one of them will have to wait. Sh
Thing 1 is definitely noticing the changes around here. She doesn't really talk about it with the Alphas, but she does share when she goes to school. Last week she informed her teacher of the anatomical differences between her and her brother. "I have a vagina. My brother has a penis." So it turns out she does listen to everything the Alphas tell her. She also thought it was noteworthy that, while their mouths looks the same, she has teeth and her brother doesn't, although he some how manages to retain a tongue.
Finally, I have spent what little free time I have nowadays trying to decide on a name for the new baby. I have decided to call him Horton, because "a person's a person no matter how small."
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