My family is just full of big news this weekend! On Friday, Thing 1 didn't bring a big bag full off pee pee clothes home from school with her. She didn't have one accident all day Friday! And no accidents yesterday or today either! In fact, today she hasn't even had a wet pull-up and she went pee pee in a public potty. The biggest surprise was when she walked out into the living room and said, "I did it!" When asked what she did, she told the Alphas that she had gone pee pee in the potty. The Alphas wanted to believe her, but you can't blame them for being skeptical. However, upon closer inspection, Alpha Female discover that the toilet seat did still have some wet pee pee on it, so Thing 1 must have been telling the truth. She went pee pee all by herself. She did it again when she woke up from her nap.
So I'm going to call it and say that she is potty trained, at least as far as the pee pee goes. It took her about 2 years and four months longer than it took me, but I'm still proud of her. Now if only she could stop the disgusting habit of going poo in the bathtub...
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