I'm home all by myself right now so I can't be sure, but I think that Alpha Female just found out that she passed the bar exam! Alpha Female works about 10 minutes away from here, so I usually can't hear her while she is at work. However, as you may be aware, dogs have an exceptionally well developed ability to hear high pitched sounds and while I was taking my second nap of the morning, I was awoken by the sound of distant squealing. I'm pretty sure that I recognize the squealing as Alpha Female's excited squeal. And I do know that the bar results were scheduled to be released on the bar website today. So there you have it, I'm going to report that Alpha Female has passed the bar and then made a fool of herself at work by squealing like a little girl. I'm pretty sure that she's going to make us all call her "Esquire" now.
Please tell your Alpha Female that even though we did not hear the scream in Broward county, we are extremely happy for her. That is news worthy of a "shout out" and squeals of delight. Kudos, bravos and Way to Go-s!
Yay Yay Yay! Wooo Hoooo! Woof woof woof! Aruuuuuuuuuuuuu! Woof woof!
Oh, bones? Sweet.
Framp and Finny, out.
apparently she really didnt need those extra keys on the laptop does this mean more biscuits for you
That is fantastic news!!! I'm sure everyone in the household is happy to hear that! Now that the stress time is over, you guys can plan your trip to SC!
Congrats! You have so much to be proud of!
Kacy and Jeremy
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