Thank you, Gauss. I appreciate your magnanimity in allowing me to post to your blog. I promise to reward you by giving you a dog cookie tonight. I would like to take advantage of this forum Gauss has provided by thanking everybody for their support and encouragement over the last four years. Gauss was right, I did pass the bar exam and I was sworn in as a member of the bar on Wednesday. It's been a long road to get here and I couldn't have done it without the help and love of Alpha Male and so many family and friends. The time I spent in law school hasn't always been easy for us and I thank you all for the babysitting, encouragement, or kind thoughts you have provided to me. Heck, just reading this blog is a big favor to me because it keeps Gauss in a good mood. And with that, I'm going to hand it back over to Gauss.Geez, Alpha Female...I'm sorry about Alpha Female's post. That is exactly why I don't allow guest bloggers, she promised me she wouldn't get all sappy. I've got to go spend a few hours barking for no apparent reason now so that she understands how upset I am with her over the inappropriate blog. I wonder if that means I won't get the dog cookie she just promised me?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Guest Blogger
I'm going to do something that I've never done before. I am going to allow a guest writer to post to my blog. This is unprecedented! By reading this blog, you are a witness to history. And here she is, Alpha Female, Esq.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Results Are In
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Errors and Omissions
Thing 2 would like for me to make it clear that she did not actually pee on the carpet. She leaves stuff like that to her sister. Thing 1 would like for me to make it clear that she did pee on the tile last night. She takes her job seriously.
Also, I think I might have been wrong about the infestation. It is possible that the skittering sound was the sound of Thing 2 army crawling across the living room. I didn't know this when I first reported on the incident, but it turns out that Thing 2 can crawl now. Who knew?
Third World Country
Last night, the power went off around 6:00 p.m. Luckily, I had already eaten, but the humans all had dinner by candlelight. Thing 1 read a bedtime story with a flashlight. Then the Alphas got bored, so Alpha Female sent Alpha Male out to gather some ice cream while she stayed home and tried to decide whether burning strawberry, rose, cucumber, and cantaloupe scented candles all at the same time was a good idea. Alpha Male discovered that the ice cream store didn't have power, so they had se
nt everybody home and were closed. I think this is when the reality of life without electricity set in for the
Alphas and they started to panic. After playing a game for a while and deciding that the candles made the house smell like a fruit stand, they decided to go to bed. There was some complaining about how hot it was in the house without A/C. I'm not sure why they were complaining, I'm the one wearing the permanent fur coat. Much to our relief, the power came back on at 3:00 a.m. However, when Thing 2 got up this morning, I think she was inspired by the evening without electricity and decided to return to a simpler life, a life in which babies don't wear diapers. So she took her diaper off. Now the house smells like fruit stand that a homeless person has converted into a bathroom.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I Think it Might be an Infestation
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
To make up for my absence, let me catch you up on what's been going on here. Thing 1 has taken the keys off of Alpha Female's laptop...again. Alpha Female has replaced the keys on her laptop and she still doesn't always remember to close her laptop when she's done with it. One day last week, Alpha Female walked into her bedroom to find Thing 1 sitting on the chair in front of the laptop with a pen in her right hand and various pieces of paper scattered about the desk. Alpha Female watched her scribble on one piece of paper and then move to the next and scribble on that piece of paper, then Thing 1 typed a few words and went back to her random scribbling. That night, Alpha Female said to Alpha Male, "Don't you think it's funny that she thinks that is what I do all day, just make random scribbles?" Well, I for one, don't think it's funny, I think it is actually what Alpha Female does all day. Have you ever read a patent application or any other legal document? Anyways, I saved the note that Thing 1 typed and have included it in its entirety:
xc vbvgbbb,,.,,,, b
I couldn't agree with her more. By the way, Alpha Female thinks that Thing 1 managed to open up and write that message in an application that Alpha Female didn't even know was installed on her computer, seriously. What she doesn't know is that I'm secretly helping Thing 1 learn how to blog.
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