Tonight I was looking at Alpha Male and he asked me why I was staring at him. He then went on to answer his own question by hypothesizing what I must be thinking. He thought that I was looking at him because I wanted to be picked up, flipped upside down, and rubbed on my belly. Boy was he wrong. While I do enjoy an occasional belly rub, it's not the kind of thing I sit around and ask for, I have much more important things on my mind. I was actually thinking about wrapping Christmas presents.
I have to do all of my Christmas shopping online because of the anti-dog policies of most stores. So when my packages arrive at the house, I have to wrap them myself. Here's the problem: I don't have any boxes to put clothes in and I don't know where to buy them. It seems like when humans buy clothes in stores, they can ask for boxes to put the clothes in before they wrap them, but I don't get that option when I purchase online. What am I supposed to do? I always buy pajamas for my human sister and I can't wrap them without a box! Talk about holiday stress, don't even get me started on the difficulties involved in wrapping a present without any thumbs.
Something else that has been on my mind recently is my human sister's new affinity for bed time. I think my love of sleeping may be starting to rub off on her. She has begun to say, "bye" and blow kisses to her parents when she thinks it is time for her to go to bed. I think it's adorable. She even kisses me goodnight sometimes. My favorite part is that she just lays in bed quietly and falls asleep; she hasn't been screaming herself to sleep lately. It's wonderful!
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