With just a couple of hours left in this year, it doesn't look like the Alphas will be getting another tax deduction for Christmas. However, my human sister is pretty excited about New Year's Eve. She started fixing her hair this morning. The blow dryer really works! Too bad she wasn't able to stay awake until midnight. Here's wishing you all the best in the New Year.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
With just a couple of hours left in this year, it doesn't look like the Alphas will be getting another tax deduction for Christmas. However, my human sister is pretty excited about New Year's Eve. She started fixing her hair this morning. The blow dryer really works! Too bad she wasn't able to stay awake until midnight. Here's wishing you all the best in the New Year.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Single Digits

When I started the countdown to Precious Fluffy's due date, there were more than 70 days to go. Now we're down to single digits! I can't believe she's almost here. The whole family is eager to meet her and my human sister is preparing by practicing taking care of her dolls. The Alphas finally moved some furniture around and the two kids' rooms are all set, although Precious Fluffy's room could still stand some decorating. I'm trying to rest up while I can because once Precious Fluffy comes home I have a feeling that I'm going to have a lot of interrupted sleep. The big question that's left is whether she's going to be a tax deduction or a New Year's baby. I'll be sure to keep my blog updated when there is any news.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
Santa is Coming!
Then, just as Alpha Female was finishing up 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, the Alphas heard lots and lots of sirens outside. The whole family went outside to see Santa drive by on top of a fire truck and escorted by lots of other cars with lights and sirens. Santa even threw some candy while my human sister waved at everybody in the cars. I hope she can go to sleep after such an exciting night!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Still No Precious Fluffy News

Precious Fluffy has decided to take her sweet time and seems to be in no great hurry to stretch her legs. The Alphas have moved from encouraging her to come out early to convincing her to stay in there until after Christmas. I think they sound a little crazy when they talk to her as if they have any control over when she decides to come meet us. A couple of days ago they were trying to bribe her out with Christmas presents and a trip to see Santa. I think it's pathetic really.
The Alphas are looking forward to Christmas morning with my human sister and took her to the library where she got to make reindeer antlers to get into the Christmas spirit. I'm no expert on reindeers, but I think they might have turned her into an elf instead of a reindeer.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Precious Fluffy Update and Ice!
The Alphas went to the doctor on Friday to check on Precious Fluffy. They were hoping to hear that it looked like she would be making an appearance this weekend, but they got no such news. Everything looks normal and modern science cannot predict when she'll decide to come. Alpha Female is accepting this uncertainty surprisingly well, considering that she has some issues with control, and has moved on to trying to will Precious Fluffy out on any day that is not too close to a holiday. She figures anytime between now and the 21st would be great.

Because the Alphas didn't have to worry too much about having a baby on Saturday, they decided to go to a Christmas event called Ice! It was in a convention center and 9 degrees F. That may sound cold to some, like Alpha Male and my human sister, but it was the first time that Alpha Female wasn't hot in a few months. I think I would have been comfortable in my fur coat, too, but nobody asked me if I wanted to come. My human sister went down the ice slide twice and both times she got stuck in the middle. She just stopped sliding. I find that hard to believe,
because elementary physics teaches that ice has a very low coefficient of friction so it should be hard to stop while sliding down a chute of ice. My human sister must be very talented to have managed it not once, but twice.
She also went rollerblading for the first time this weekend. What an athlete!
Because the Alphas didn't have to worry too much about having a baby on Saturday, they decided to go to a Christmas event called Ice! It was in a convention center and 9 degrees F. That may sound cold to some, like Alpha Male and my human sister, but it was the first time that Alpha Female wasn't hot in a few months. I think I would have been comfortable in my fur coat, too, but nobody asked me if I wanted to come. My human sister went down the ice slide twice and both times she got stuck in the middle. She just stopped sliding. I find that hard to believe,
She also went rollerblading for the first time this weekend. What an athlete!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I've noticed that when celebrities endorse things, it can lead to big results. Take Oprah and Obama for example. Anyways, I've decided to capitalize on my celebrity dog blogger status and make a few endorsements of my own. I am a celebrity, right?
First, I'd like to throw my support behind naps. Naps are wonderful, what is not to like about a nap? Do I really need to say anymore about this? Without naps, I couldn't possibly get in twenty hours of sleep a day. In fact, my human sister is in the middle of a marathon nap right now. She's been at it for 3 1/2 hours and shows no signs of stopping. I applaud her dedication.

Second, I'd like to give a shout out to brownies. Specifically, Ghirardelli fudge brownies. Alpha Male picked them up when he went to the grocery store. It is always awesome when he does the grocery shopping because he usually comes back with some wonderful treat like these brownies. These are probably the best brownies that have ever been in this house, or so I hear. Unfortunately, the Alphas didn't let me eat any, but how could they not be wonderful? I mean, do you see the layer of fudge on top?
Third, I'm an advocate of prenatal massages. The big question here is, "How do they do it?" I mean, Alpha Female couldn't possible lay on her huge belly, she would probably roll to the side like a beached whale or something if she even tried. The answer is a special pillow with cut out holes for all the parts of a pregnant woman that seem to expand. Climbing up on the table and fitting the belly into the cutout is a little tricky, but it's wonderful for a pregnant woman to be able to lay on her belly for a little while, I lay on mine all the time. And I imagine a massage is always relaxing, especially if said pregnant woman has just finished law school.
My second to last endorsement is handed out to balloons. I mean really, what is better than playing with a bunch of helium balloons? Watching my human sister get the ribbons wrapped around herself and then walk through the house is pretty fun too.
And finally, I must give a hearty endorsement to parks. I prefer the parks that allow dogs, but there aren't many of them around here so my second favorite are parks with playground equipment. My human sister really enjoys going to the playground these days. In fact, yesterday the Alphas pulled up to the playground and it was really crowded so they started to back the car up to go to another, less crowded, park. My human sister saw that they were leaving before she had even gotten a chance to play and screamed, "No! Please, no!" She sounded genuinely concerned and upset so the Alphas decided to stay at the crowded park. They had no idea that she loved the playground that much!
I often wonder what else she thinks that she cannot share with us. I have found that blogging has been a good outlet for me, because I also cannot share much of what I am thinking. Maybe I will teach my human sister how to maintain her own blog as a means of expressing herself. She's probably old enough to learn how to type, right?
Friday, December 7, 2007
She did it!
Alpha Female finally did it! She is done with law school. Assuming that she gets at least D's on each of the exams she took, Alpha Female is now Alpha Female, J.D. We had quite a little family celebration here tonight when she got home from her last final. Alpha Male had music, balloons, a party light, banners, streamers, and presents waiting for her when she walked through the door. The party didn't end until Alpha Male vacuumed confetti off of my back. I mean that literally; he used a vacuum attachment on my back.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Reading My Thoughts
Tonight I was looking at Alpha Male and he asked me why I was staring at him. He then went on to answer his own question by hypothesizing what I must be thinking. He thought that I was looking at him because I wanted to be picked up, flipped upside down, and rubbed on my belly. Boy was he wrong. While I do enjoy an occasional belly rub, it's not the kind of thing I sit around and ask for, I have much more important things on my mind. I was actually thinking about wrapping Christmas presents.
I have to do all of my Christmas shopping online because of the anti-dog policies of most stores. So when my packages arrive at the house, I have to wrap them myself. Here's the problem: I don't have any boxes to put clothes in and I don't know where to buy them. It seems like when humans buy clothes in stores, they can ask for boxes to put the clothes in before they wrap them, but I don't get that option when I purchase online. What am I supposed to do? I always buy pajamas for my human sister and I can't wrap them without a box! Talk about holiday stress, don't even get me started on the difficulties involved in wrapping a present without any thumbs.
Something else that has been on my mind recently is my human sister's new affinity for bed time. I think my love of sleeping may be starting to rub off on her. She has begun to say, "bye" and blow kisses to her parents when she thinks it is time for her to go to bed. I think it's adorable. She even kisses me goodnight sometimes. My favorite part is that she just lays in bed quietly and falls asleep; she hasn't been screaming herself to sleep lately. It's wonderful!
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