It must be very frustrating to be my human sister. She can understand so much more than she can communicate. Earlier this week, Alpha Female asked my human sister if she was ready for her nap. Alpha Female meant it more as a rhetorical question and didn't expect an answer. However, my human sister knew exactly what she had been asked because she jumped up, said, "No!," and started to move away from Alpha Female while screaming. While the screaming wasn't cute, it was nice to see that she is comprehending so much of what is being said to her. She will also give you things if you ask for them. If only I could learn how to talk maybe I could train her to bring me cookies.
The humans had a good time on Friday night when they went out for ice cream. My human sister sat in a chair like a big girl, asked for her own spoon, and fed herself ice cream. When she had helped Alpha Male eat all of his and saw that his bowl was empty, she turned to Alpha Female and helped her finish the last of her ice cream, too. I wish they would have brought me along, I could have been a big help with eating the ice cream.

Right now, my human sister and Alpha Male are busy vacuuming the house so that I don't have to lay on dirty carpets. They are such well trained humans!
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