My human sister has reached another exciting milestone, she has a sense of self! I noticed that she had developed this yesterday. Alpha Female had put pretty blue pigtail holders in my human sister's hair. She had happily worn them all afternoon. Then she walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She saw the things in her hair and immediately put her hands on her head and pulled them out. Then she smoothed down her hair. It's pretty exciting that she knows she's looking at herself when she sees a mirror. I don't even really understand how the dog on the other side of the mirror knows to move when I move.
Incidentally, I did get a bath. Now I smell like a delicious oatmeal cookie. Alpha Male is the best! Maybe I should use this forum to ask for things more often. Could I please be fed more often?
What made yourr human sister say "STAR" and "CAT"?
Did it have anything to do with the Juice Man - he is a star cat.
Kelly - this is Lyn from Texas, just heard the great news from Jane CONGRATS on a new addition!
Bar results in November.
Love this site, thanks for sharing. Hugs to all. Lyn, Bob, Chula, Inca, Maya, and Pinto (aka The King)
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