Alpha Male suggested, gently, that I should spend more time talking about my human sister. It is so obvious that she is his favorite. Anyways, here are some factoids about her that might come in handy if you ever find yourself involved in a game of Human Sister Trivia.
1. Do you know that she sleeps about 13 or 14 hours at night and another 1 to 2 hours during the day? That works out to being awake for 9 hours everyday! I could never get by on that little sleep. I need at least 20 hours a day or I'm a real grouch.
2. She thinks it's funny if one of her parents hides behind the couch and then screams, "Boo!" as she comes around the corner. She also thinks it's funny to put a blanket over her head and walk around the living room. (I think it's funny watching her run into stuff as she does this.) Apparently petting my back is pretty hysterical, too.
3. My human sister is mesmerized by JiggleMan. She went to see him at her local library today and didn't move or make any sound the whole time he was performing. Alpha Female thought she must have fallen asleep or something. My human sister told me that watching him perform was better than watching Sesame Street. I find that a little hard to believe, but I wasn't able to watch JiggleMan because of the flagrant discrimination against dogs that is openly practiced around here.
Great post Gauss. You are quickly becoming and expert blogger. Quite an accomplishment for a dog!
Alpha Male
I have the same problem. If I don't get enough sleep - man I could be difficult to be around. You might try some caffeine that tends to help me in a tight spot.
Your best pal,
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