I usually find that spelling bee words are pretty obscure and have a hard time imagining how any of the words could possibly be used outside of a textbook. But then I heard the definition for the word "aptyalism." Finally, a word I could relate to. Well, I can't really relate to "aptyalism," but I did know immediately that Thing 2 did not have it. Absolutely the contrary in fact, if you look up "aptyalism" in a thesaurus, I bet Thing 2 is listed as an antonym. Aptyalism means a lack of saliva. Thing 2 can soak through several outfits a day with her copious output of saliva. Maybe next year the spelling bee will teach me the word for excessive saliva. Until then, I'll just use the term anti-aptyalism and I will try to use it as often as possible when I am describing Thing 2's incredible saliva talent.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I usually find that spelling bee words are pretty obscure and have a hard time imagining how any of the words could possibly be used outside of a textbook. But then I heard the definition for the word "aptyalism." Finally, a word I could relate to. Well, I can't really relate to "aptyalism," but I did know immediately that Thing 2 did not have it. Absolutely the contrary in fact, if you look up "aptyalism" in a thesaurus, I bet Thing 2 is listed as an antonym. Aptyalism means a lack of saliva. Thing 2 can soak through several outfits a day with her copious output of saliva. Maybe next year the spelling bee will teach me the word for excessive saliva. Until then, I'll just use the term anti-aptyalism and I will try to use it as often as possible when I am describing Thing 2's incredible saliva talent.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thing on Thing Interactions
Until recently, the Things would usually bathe simultaneously, but separately. Thing 1 would get the big tub (and all of Alpha Male's attention), while Thing 2 was relegated to the tiny baby bathtub sitting on the counter (and the less desirable attention of Alpha Female). However, because Thing 2 is such a piggie and eats all of her food without sharing any with me, she is getting way too big for such a tiny bathtub and the Alphas have started bathing the Things together. Bathing Thing 2 in the big tub can be tricky enough in and of itself, because it requires leaning over the side of the tub and supporting Thing 2's head while the rest of her body floats around. This is harder than it sounds, because her huge thighs tend to make her very buoyant and the real trick is trying to keep her from floating out of your hand (or paw, as the case may be). Adding to the challenge of this task is Thing 1's reaction to her sister. When Thing 2's leg floats over to Thing 1 and touches her, Thing 1 appears to be disgusted and protests, "no, no!" The same scene (minus the naked, floating baby) plays itself out over and over again in our house whenever Thing 2 gets her hands on a toy that Thing 1 decides she then wants to play with.
This good news to come of this is that I think I am Thing 1's favorite. When I took a bath with her, she didn't push me away. However, she did need to take another bath after I got out of the tub because I dirtied the bath water too much. It's good to be the dog!
Graduation Day
Now that she has officially graduated, she has also officially started preparing for the Florida bar. I think that is going to keep the whole family busy for most of the summer. I'm going to have to help her study a lot and give her lots of pointers and motivation, it might even cut into the time I currently devote to blogging. Alpha Male is going to have to learn how to do laundry, a skill he seems to have lost during the last nine years. Maybe Thing 1 can contribute by learning how to go pee pee in the potty. And Thing 2 can help out by learning how to hold her own bottle. We are already looking forward to July 31, the day after the bar exam.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Roll Over
Personal Penguin

Monday, May 5, 2008
Happy Birthday, Thing 1!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
It's Official

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